Black Belt Testing Requirements
Black Belt candidates! We are excited to have you work toward your Black Belt Testing. Working hard in class as well as preparing on your own is key. Details of HK Martial Arts' 3-part testing requirement are below.
3-Part Testing Requirement
All forms: Taeguk 1-8
All punching combinations, kicking combinations and breaking techniques.
Below is a list of the athletic requirements, along with the corresponding maximum times allowed.
Choose a topic related to Taekwondo on which to write a 2-page research report. Discuss your topic selection with Master Kim and Instructor Elissa.
Endurance Requirements
3 mile run (30 min or less)
100 squats (2 min or less)
40 push ups, straight legs, supported arms (2 min or less)
50 sit ups (2 min or less)
60 3-meter side step lengths (2 min or less)
100 alternating knee ups with bounce (2 min or less)
All endurance testing requirements must be fulfilled the same day with minimal breaks between elements.